Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Traducción al ingles por Luis Ituarte

(Mas abajo aparece el original en español)

“If the police requires of a thousand forms and vehicles, the culture, has thousands of forms and requests a vehicle”: bENSON.

“El Centro Cultural Itinerante”
(The Itinerant Cultural Center)

What is it? A portable and interactive cultural center. It is an efficient program that it is totally equipped and includes physical space to provide cultural services for the community in different locations of the city.
As urban equipment, has a very particular and novel characteristic, is that it is mobile; it can be move to the communities who require their services.
Consist in an array of human resources in action, equipped with multi function spaces for different uses, that is moved by a truck. It is mounted for short periods of time with small crane at a given community. this truck “transformer” comes with the human resorses and all the necessary tools to install and run the facility to provide cultural services with an artistic, and social health orientation to the community.

This mobile arts center is been design with an innovative spectacular aye catching organic arquitecture, with inflatable roofs of dual functionality.
The activities of this portable community Center will knit a cultural net in the whole city and will generate a memorable visual and human experience, full with interactions in deserving communities.
Direct Benefits:
Ø Being mobile,
Ø It makes possible to assist diverse communities of people that regularly don't count with economic resources to displace them selfs and their families to the traditional spaces where cultural services are provided.
Ø Will help these communities to address serious social problems.
Ø Generates interaction between professionals of social, cultural, artistic groups and specific communities.

Programs will be based on general cultural assumptions contextualized in particular projects for each community.

These programs will say:
Ø Yes to reading, literature and the humanities.
Ø Yes to the initiation in the arts.
Ø Yes to the diversity of thoughts.
Ø Yes to the social organization for specific projects.
Ø Yes to a healthy individual and social development.
Ø Yes to the application of the human rights.
Ø Yes to value and respect to people and the environment that conform each community.
These programs look for to create and validate projects that visualize alternative and traditional forms that bear to the reflection of critical and social character of community culture of the city.

Projects :

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Un poco del contexto entre policias y promotores, algo para la justificación.

Mientras que la accíón policíaca requiere de sospechosas formas y miles de vehículos. La promoción cultural cuenta con miles de insospechadas formas para prevenir la violencia y los delitos mas sin embargo solicita un vehiculo: EL RCI.

La violencia y los delitos así como otros padecimientos sociales son reprimidos o controlados por la policía, con estrategias, basadas en la vigilancia, la sospecha, la investigación, el acecho y el castigo. Para esto la policía requiere de vehículos equipados como helicópteros, camiones, pick ups, carros, motocicletas, bicicletas, caballos, buenas botas y uno que otro muro, equipo de telecomunicación, rejas y candados. La gran diferencia entre la acción policíaca y la promoción cultural y de asistencia social es que la primera reprime y la segunda previene.

Deseamos, como toda la sociedad desearía que estas simples comparaciones fueran obsoletas. Que la distribución de esfuerzos y recursos por una vida social saludable, apuntara hacía el desarrollo de la libertad, el respeto y la convivencia. Es así como en COFAC creemos que las actividades interdisciplinarias que promueven las artes, la cultura y el desarrollo social, deben no solo contemplarse como actividades elitistas y centralizadas. Creemos que las actividades artísticas sociales y de asistencia social, deben contar con la posibilidad de desplazarse a las comunidades e interactuar socialmente. Es así como COFAC integrado por promotores sociales y culturales de ambos lados de la frontera, estamos solicitando un vehículo bien equipado al que denominamos: Rizoma Cultural Interactivo.

No es un helicóptero?- No.